Support Mancelona Camp
We are grateful to our many supporters who have helped under gird this ministry with financial gifts. Through the years your gifts and support have helped make significant improvements to our sites and programs.
There’s always more to be done, however; and your continued support helps fill those needs while continuing to make Mancelona Camp all that it can be.
Our Wish List
* New Wellhouse Roof
* Repair the bottom of the tabernacle
* Finish end caps on youth tab
Volunteer Opportunities
Spring Work Bee - Date to be determined when the snow is gone!
Pre-Camp Work Bee
Saturday, July 19, 2025 . The finishing touches are needed before Family Camp. If you're available to lend a hand with the mowing or last minute cleaning of the buildings we can use your help. God bless you as you serve!
Fall Work Bee - Date to be announced
Please bring your rake or leaf blower and a dish to pass as we enjoy lunch together. If you are available to come any other time please feel free.
Service Projects
Special projects will be announced on an "as needed" basis.
Praise reports include:
In 2012 a new metal roof was installed on the Batterbee/Donaldson building by a group of friends from East Jordan.
In 2013 a few volunteers from Brown City Camp ground out 38 stumps making it easier to mow and park on the lots.
In 2014 the mildew infested ceiling was removed from the Goodie Shack / Bookstore by a Midland Team AND the East Jordan youth and leaders extended the youth pavilion that's used as their dining hall.
In 2015 volunteers came together to build a wheel chair accessible ramp on the back of the tabernacle to allow individuals easy access to the stage area.
In 2018 a youth tabernacle pavilion was constructed giving our teens a permanent place to worship.
In 2020, power was run to the youth tabernacle. Fiber optic cable was run connecting the main tabernacle to the children and youth areas.
PTL! It's amazing what a small group of willing hands can accomplish! Each project adds to our already beautiful camp. We thank you for your help! Mancelona Camp wouldn't thrive without you!
There’s always more to be done, however; and your continued support helps fill those needs while continuing to make Mancelona Camp all that it can be.
Our Wish List
* New Wellhouse Roof
* Repair the bottom of the tabernacle
* Finish end caps on youth tab
Volunteer Opportunities
Spring Work Bee - Date to be determined when the snow is gone!
Pre-Camp Work Bee
Saturday, July 19, 2025 . The finishing touches are needed before Family Camp. If you're available to lend a hand with the mowing or last minute cleaning of the buildings we can use your help. God bless you as you serve!
Fall Work Bee - Date to be announced
Please bring your rake or leaf blower and a dish to pass as we enjoy lunch together. If you are available to come any other time please feel free.
Service Projects
Special projects will be announced on an "as needed" basis.
Praise reports include:
In 2012 a new metal roof was installed on the Batterbee/Donaldson building by a group of friends from East Jordan.
In 2013 a few volunteers from Brown City Camp ground out 38 stumps making it easier to mow and park on the lots.
In 2014 the mildew infested ceiling was removed from the Goodie Shack / Bookstore by a Midland Team AND the East Jordan youth and leaders extended the youth pavilion that's used as their dining hall.
In 2015 volunteers came together to build a wheel chair accessible ramp on the back of the tabernacle to allow individuals easy access to the stage area.
In 2018 a youth tabernacle pavilion was constructed giving our teens a permanent place to worship.
In 2020, power was run to the youth tabernacle. Fiber optic cable was run connecting the main tabernacle to the children and youth areas.
PTL! It's amazing what a small group of willing hands can accomplish! Each project adds to our already beautiful camp. We thank you for your help! Mancelona Camp wouldn't thrive without you!